Analysis and Description of Methodology
MAGNET will be implemented through seven (7) strongly interrelated work packages (WP1-WP7) within a period of 48 months. Phase 1 (WP3) includes all the preparatory and fundamental actions needed to put into place the new infrastructure (procurement, preparation of MAGNET premises and design of sampling procedures for the Gene Bank). Phase 2 (WP4, WP5, and WP6) will set MAGNET in real life conditions by isolating, characterizing, ex-situ storage and plant growth promotion testing of microbes derived from natural and agricultural Cyprus soils. At the same time, DNA extraction from these soils will feed the first Soil DNA Library of the country (WP4). Then, the microbial diversity of Cyprus soils will be assessed using the state of the art equipment and methods of MAGNET. The logistics that will support Microbial Gene Bank data management, as well as the bio-statistical tools for the analysis of the large raw sequencing data, will be put into place as a supportive e-infrastructure. Phase 3 (WP2 and WP7) will combine the implementation of the innovation and educational impact of the new infrastructure with the dissemination and exploitation of results thereby creating a substantial research and business case for the full exploitation of the results and potentials of MAGNET. Project Management (WP1 ) spans across the whole duration of the project.